1 on 1 Test Prep Courses

SAT Prep Courses Designed For You

We customize our SAT preparation classes to meet the specific needs of each student. Students begin by taking a diagnostic test, allowing tutors to accurately assess strengths and weaknesses. Tutors then create thorough lesson plans, which include concept review, test strategies, and practice exams. Students receive homework assignments to complete after each lesson.

Coursework focuses on skills pertaining to the three sections of the SAT: Critical Reading, Writing, and Mathematics. Students will expand their vocabulary and master the art of active reading. They will study the standards of English grammar and learn to write with precision. Finally, they will complete a comprehensive review of high school algebra and geometry.

Our standard course includes eighteen hours of instruction, broken into twelve 90 minute sessions. Lessons may also be purchased a la carte.

The SAT Subject Exams cover material introduced in standard high school courses. They differ from the SAT in that they are intended to measure knowledge of a particular subject rather than assess general thinking skills.

Students are assigned to tutors with mastery in specific academic subjects. Tutors will help students review material covered in school classes, expand upon unfamiliar concepts, and introduce test taking strategies to maximize scores.

Currently, we offer SAT II tutoring for the following subjects:

  • Literature
  • US History
  • World History
  • Mathematics Level 1
  • Mathematics Level 2
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Physics

The PSAT/NMSQT is an important exam taken by most American high school sophomores and juniors. The test is not only an excellent indicator of SAT performance, but also a qualifying examination for National Merit Scholarships.

Preparing for the PSAT gives students an extra edge in the college selection process, as they are essentially preparing for the SAT well ahead of time. They will thus approach the SAT with additional familiarity and confidence. Students who prepare for the PSAT often score significantly higher on the SAT, especially in the challenging Critical Reading section.

Our PSAT coursework introduces students to a broad array of reading, writing, and math topics, improving test taking abilities and creating a strong understanding of necessary academic skills.

The ACT is a newer college entrance examination that has become widely accepted in recent years. Many students now choose to take both the SAT and ACT.

Preparation for the ACT focuses on English grammar, reading comprehension, mathematics, and science reasoning. Students also complete a specialized writing tutorial.

The ISEE is designed to assess students who plan to attend private preparatory academies. The examination is given at either the middle or high school level.

Preparation for the ISEE strongly emphasizes vocabulary. Students are encouraged to expand both their existing knowledge of the English language and their familiarity with Latin roots. Tutors also focus on reading comprehension and basic math skills.

Academic Tutoring

Wave Tutoring offers private lessons in a wide variety of academic subjects.

We also offer personalized writing tutorials for students of all grade levels.

For more information regarding Academic Tutoring visit our Frequently Asked Questions page.

College Essays

Our college essay program is designed to help high school seniors craft outstanding personal statements. Tutors guide students through the essay writing process, from brainstorming memorable topics to revising the final draft. Students who perfect their college essays with our writing instructors greatly improve their admission chances.

Creating the perfect essay is the most stressful and difficult part of any college application. Our tutors make it easy, advising students and parents from start to finish.